World Food Day!

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By The Gut Health Doctor Team

Dr Megan Rossi in a lab looking through a microscope

Celebrating World Food Day with lots of plant diversity! Looking after ourselves and our environment has never been more important. As the brilliant David Attenborough said himself, the quickest and most effective way to help the natural world recover, and feed generations to come, is for us to change our diet.

How? Eat more plants! A healthy gut isn’t the only thing that loves and needs food diversity, the planet benefits too. Good for our health and good for nature, a plant-packed diet supports biodiversity

For me, it’s about progress, not perfection, and making more conscious choices for more sustainable farming. Simple swaps can make a BIG difference – it doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive!

Here’s what I’m focusing on, what about you guys?

  • Enjoying lots of plant goodness Nourishing my gut microbes AND reducing my carbon footprint with some simple swaps that I share in my book (swipe for a preview). By cutting meat intake to below 100g a day, it can lower your carbon footprint by 20+%.
  • Reducing food waste – keeping veggie and fruit skins on for less waste and more nutrients. Batch-cooking and freezing to avoid wasting fresh food – plus it saves time and makes it easier to hit 30 plant points a week. Those discarded carrot tops make super tasty pesto, recipe in my stories!
  • Wherever I can, going for local and seasonal produce. If you’re lucky enough to have access to a local farmers’ market, make the most of it! Pay them a visit this weekend and support local growers.
  • Ever tried growing your own at home? You don’t need a huge garden patch. All you need is a windowsill to have a go at growing herbs, tomatoes, salad leaves and even carrots. A fun family activity too!


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