Photo of Dr Megan Rossi, founder of The Gut Health Doctor, sitting in a lab looking and using a test tube

The go-to gut health and nutrition expert

As an award-winning gut health scientist and registered dietitian, Dr Megan Rossi (PhD, RD) founded The Gut Health Doctor to empower everyone to take control of their own health and wellbeing.

From providing personalised support via The Gut Health Clinic, supporting workplace wellbeing and helping people master burdensome bloating via a specialist Bloating Masterclass, we strive to support everyone with their gut health.

We can also help you start your own gut transformation using the latest scientific research, translated into gut-boosting recipes, practical strategies, evidence-backed books and personalised support, we want to help you start your own gut transformation.



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Is my gut healthy?

I’m struggling with bloating

Icon of a gut to reflect The Gut Health Doctor free education

I want to learn more about gut health

Icon of a healthcare sign to reflect The Gut Health Clinic, also founded by Dr Megan Rossi and The Gut Health Doctor

I need personalised support


8 science-backed foods to feed your gut:skin axis

Have you ever noticed changes in your skin after one too many alcoholic drinks? Or perhaps after a week of neglecting your 30-plant point goals? Spots, rashes, fine lines, and many other skin concerns have all been linked to how we treat our gut microbiota (GM). This is thanks to the gut:skin axis.

You may already be familiar with the gut’s relationship with the brain, but there’s also a two-way conversation going on between your microbes and your skin. When you think about it, the gut and skin have a lot in common.

The latest science made digestible

Shelley's transformation story

I experienced digestive issues including acid reflux, constant nausea and indigestion for about a decade and was diagnosed with IBS in 2017…From watching interviews with Megan, following her on social media and reading her book – her mantra ‘INclusion not EXclusion’ has really stuck with me…After increasing my plant points, I feel so much happier, I’m sleeping better and I’m thriving! It feels so good to be able to enjoy life again.

Shelley - Leicestershire, UK

Bloating quiz illustration including stomach, test page and person looking at clipboard

Take this bloating quiz to test your knowledge

Are you savvy when it comes to bloating management or have you fallen prey to myths and misconceptions?

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Not sure where to start on your gut health transformation? Sign up for free and we’ll empower you every month with the latest educational blogs, gut-loving recipes, research updates and helpful resources delivered straight to your inbox. You’ll also receive a downloadable guide with an intro to gut science, practical advice and exclusive recipes. Lots of support and no spam.