The link between breast cancer & whole grains

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By The Gut Health Doctor Team

Dr Megan Rossi in a lab looking through a microscope

I’m diving into the latest studies on diet and reducing the risk of breast cancer…  A big scientific review, including studies with thousands of women, found those who ate the highest amount of wholegrains had a lower risk of breast cancer.


It’s thought to be thanks to the abundance of beneficial plant chemicals (called phytochemicals) in different wholegrain cereals.

Wholegrains are also a great source of fibre to feed your good gut bacteria, plus eating plenty of wholegrains has also been linked with lower risk of diabetes, heart disease and other cancers.

That’s certainly not to say that diet will prevent you from getting breast cancer – it’s complex and a lot of different factors, including genetics, play a role. But it does mean getting plenty of fibre from diverse sources and making the most of wholegrains is seriously worth considering.

My top tip: try to aim for 3 portions of wholegrains every day (along with fruit, veggies, beans and pulses, nuts and seeds).

What are wholegrains exactly?

Essentially they are grains that are whole, the ones that haven’t been stripped of all their goodness such as jumbo oats, wheat berries, quinoa, whole barley etc.

What about packaged foods?

I have a helpful trick to determine whether the food really is wholegrain, coming in November’s Newsletter (sign up in bio).

And if you think whole grains are boring or less tasty, get experimenting! Lots of fibre-filled recipes on my website and in my book to experiment with a variety of grains.

Getting to know your boobs and pecs (yes, men too!) can be life-saving, so check out @coppafeelpeople for a guide to checking yours. If you have any concerns or notice any changes, make sure to speak to your GP.



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