A photo of David smiling, he has short hair and blue eyes


Gloucestershire, UK

I’ve had a long history of poor gut health. I have Crohn’s Disease, and by age 30, I’d undergone 5 surgeries and had no large intestine left. I was left feeling hopeless when my gastroenterologist told me he’d never seen such severe disease in someone my age throughout his 20 years as a consultant.

Becoming aware of what I could do to improve my gut health through diet has been a long process. But with the help of Dr Megan Rossi’s free educational content, as well as the dietitians at The Gut Health Clinic, I’m staying in remission with next to no pain or bloating.

Previously, the thought of having a job wasn’t possible. So I’m still surprised that I can now work all day in a fairly tiring job as a sports massage therapist and THEN go climbing – my energy is through the roof! Many thanks to The Gut Health Doctor for all your advice and support. 

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