10 things I’m taking from 2020

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By The Gut Health Doctor Team

Dr Megan Rossi in a lab looking through a microscope

I’m not naturally a reflective person, but if there was ever a time to pause and take stock of life, this is it!

Taking some time this year to reflect and really think about what I want to give back next year and beyond has been pretty powerful.


What would be on your list? Would love to hear!


  • 2020 has been a timely wake-up call that we’re living in a microbial-dominated world. When treated well, they can be amazingly powerful for our health. Now really is the time to prioritise looking after our guts.


  • Gratitude for the small things. I’ll cherish daily walks and the buzz of local bakeries and shops.


  • We’re more resilient than we might think, mentally and physically (for which we owe a lot to our gut bugs! )


  • Newfound love for Zoom, FaceTime and Skype keeping us connected especially during the most difficult times.


  • Going through the first trimester of pregnancy and writing a secret project are ideal activities for a lockdown!


  • It’s been amazing to see everyone come together and support frontline workers. Let’s make sure the gratitude and respect for the NHS stays! My thoughts are with those we’ve lost.


  • People don’t need as much toilet paper as they might think.. Isolation Constipation is real!


  • Be kind to each other. Everyone is dealing with their own ‘stuff’, most of which is not apparent to others. Relationship breakdowns, job-loss, mourning a death, important event cancellations, health diagnoses, infertility…just to name a few.


  • Sadly fear too often gets in the way of the science and we can’t let it. Be savvy about who you take health and nutrition info from – and be VERY wary of anyone trying to unethically capitalise on a pandemic with crazy claims!


  • I’m clearer than ever on my goal of inspiring and empowering everyone to enjoy good gut health – and exciting things are coming for you guys and your guts, to make it easier and more accessible! More on that in a couple of weeks.


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