Why you should embrace the frozen veg!

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By The Gut Health Doctor Team

Dr Megan Rossi in a lab looking through a microscope

Embrace the frozen veg! It’s just as nutritious as fresh and it gets a big tick for convenience and accessibility too – so let’s bust the misconception that frozen = less nutritious.

– Fruits and veggies chosen for freezing are usually picked at their peak ripeness – aka when they’re usually the most nutrient-packed.

– They’re usually more cost-effective and last longer – a win for budgets and food waste too.

– Frozen veggies are the ultimate time-savers and easy diversity win – you’ll often get more variety (especially out of season)

Studies show next to no difference in the vitamin content of frozen vs fresh – and where there was a slight difference, often the frozen ones actually had more of some nutrients.

In one study…

–  Frozen sweetcorn contained slightly more beta-carotene and folate vs fresh

– Frozen spinach contained slightly more beta-carotene and folate vs fresh

– Frozen green peas contained slightly more vitamin C and folate vs fresh

The differences were pretty small, so this isn’t to say frozen or fresh is ‘better’ than the other, no veggie discrimination here! So why not mix it up? Especially for the convenience.

Time to make frozen veg a staple in every busy person’s freezer.

1. Add frozen spinach to your smoothies or curries
2. Pop some frozen broccoli in the microwave to side with your take-out
3. Add frozen sweetcorn on top of your pizza
4. Quick cook a pack of frozen mixed veg into a stir-fry or blend into a fibre-filled soup

Just remember, however you like yours, a vegetable in any form is better than no vegetable at all!


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