Prebiotic chocolate bark

serves 4


One of my favourite super simple recipes from my first book, Eat Yourself Healthy (available on Amazon & all the book stores). It takes less than 5 minutes to make, is so tasty and packs an extra gut-loving punch.

For those who love the science: The dried mango and pistachios are full of prebiotics, which are essentially foods that feed your beneficial microbes. Prebiotic foods come with a whole host of benefits and have been linked with improved blood-sugar regulation, support bone health, skin health and immunity.

I’ve also added the extra virgin olive oil and dark chocolate drizzle for a bonus polyphenol hit (good plant chemicals that also feed our gut microbes). The darker the chocolate and higher percentage of cocoa, the more polyphenols – which explains why dark chocolate has been linked with a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes (of course in moderation!). In fact, one study found that daily consumption of cocoa significantly lowered blood pressure – a key risk factor for heart disease. It’s also linked with better mental health, maybe it’s that gut-brain axis at play.

One large piece of prebiotic chocolate bark being broken in half, topped with mango, pistachios and dark chocolate

3 Plant Points



  • 200g good quality white chocolate
  • 2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 50g good quality dark chocolate (70%+)


  • 50g dried mango
  • 50g crushed pistachios


  1. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave for 40-60 seconds, stirring rapidly every 15 seconds.
  2. Stir in the extra virgin olive oil.
  3. Pour the mixture on to a lined baking tray and thinly spread the chocolate-coated mix and sprinkle on the toppers. Place in the fridge for a few minutes to set.
  4. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, melt the dark chocolate in the microwave (again stirring every 15 seconds).
  5. Once the white chocolate is firm, drizzle on the dark chocolate using a fork. Place in the fridge for 30 minutes (until rock solid), then remove and break into pieces. And enjoy!


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