Are eggs good or bad to eat?

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By The Gut Health Doctor Team

Dr Megan Rossi in a lab looking through a microscope

What’s the truth about eggs?

Historically they were demonised for their cholesterol content (which we now know isn’t directly related to the cholesterol in your blood). More recently there has been a trend to reduce them for gut health or symptom management. But despite what you might hear, generally speaking, eggs are not inflammatory or ‘bad’ for the gut!

Eggs are more commonly known to be an allergy vs an intolerance. However, egg allergy is still a small subset of people and is often discovered and outgrown during childhood.

Eggs may have a slightly higher histamine content than some other foods, however we know that levels vary and a low histamine diet should be closely supervised by a trained health care professional (we can help in clinic with this).

Can eggs be beneficial for the gut?

Although eggs don’t contain fibre (which we know is good for the gut as our microbes love it), they can contain small levels of omega 3 which can increase the bacterial diversity within our gut. As well as this they provide B vitamins, all our essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and small levels of vitamin D. So not something to be cut out unnecessarily.

Are eggs still on our menu?

Absolutely they are! Combined with lots of lovely plants for us!


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