6 principles that will change your life

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By The Gut Health Doctor Team

Dr Megan Rossi in a lab looking through a microscope

Let’s be real: We’re still living in uncertain times. But I passionately believe that, in spite of all that is beyond your control, there are steps you can take to feel good in your body and in your mind. In doing so, you are in the best possible shape to take on whatever comes next.

So, how? Well, like you’ll know if you’ve been signed up for a while, my approach is free from all of the ineffective calorie counting, ‘detoxes’ and instructions to cut out food groups (yes, I am side-eyeing you, keto) which are EVERYWHERE in January. You guys deserve SO much better! Instead, the advice that I give is rooted in the very best science and is designed to whisk you off the diet merry-go-round and onto fad-free ground.

My new book, ‘Eat More, Live Well’ (out now!) provides all the recipes, menu plans and research you need to nourish your gut microbes, to increase your energy, boost your mood and your immunity, regulate your digestion, find your happy weight, stabilise your hormones AND slash your risk of chronic disease – all without any of the nonsense mentioned above.

I call this approach the ‘diversity diet’ and it’s all about bringing more variety, fibre, taste and flavour into your days. To be clear, it’s about your diet, it’s not about dieting. As a sneak preview just for you guys along side your book arrival, I’ll be sharing the 6 key principles it’s based on.

These core principles have transformed the lives of thousands of my clients, it really is life-changing to those who realise its power. And I can’t wait for you to start applying these to your own life too.

Try these 6 principles for a healthy, happy year;

  1. Eat mostly plants – Base your meals and snacks around plants, from green veg to legumes to nuts and seeds. On top of this foundation, layer on your preferred whole foods, from eggs to fish and fermented dairy. (If you prefer to live a vegan life, then that works too – just remember that it’s wise to stay on top of your B12, iron and Omega-3 levels.)

  2. Diversity all the way – Speaking of plants! Aim for 30+ plant points a week. This includes the ‘super six’: wholegrains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes, herbs and spices. I talk more about these in the book, including not only what they each provide you and your gut microbes, but easy hacks to hit your 30+ with no extra time, effort or cost!

  3. Go for whole, not refined – Opt for whole plants that have been minimally processed. The result of this is more nutrients and less waste – it’s a win for you, your microbes and the planet. E.g whole oats instead of ground porridge oats have been shown to have a better impact on your blood sugar levels.

  4. INclusion not EXclusion – Forget Keto/ Atkins/ Paleo. Instead, focus on what you’re adding in, not  cutting out.  It’s a science-backed way to transform your relationship with food, which is more powerful than you may think, impacting not just your metabolism, but digestion too.

  5. Taste, pause and enjoy – Used to eating at your desk or grabbing bites in-between chores? Try to make time to sit and truly enjoy your food. Embrace this and good health and digestion tend to take care of themselves. It’s not just about what you eat, it’s about how you eat, too. If you struggle with this, check out the Mindful Eating exercise on page 112 in Eat More, Live Well.

  6. Cultivate community – If you can, try to eat with friends, family, housemates or whoever is around you. See each meal as an opportunity to share, connect and learn. Ultimately, eating (and  many  of  the  associated  health  benefits)  is  about  community, culture and experiences, as well as nutrients.

Eating this way is a recipe for a thriving GM, for feeling good in your body and for healthy eating habits that last a lifetime, not a month. Want to get on board? Get ‘Eat More, Live Well’ delivered, and I promise you will thank yourself for it.


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