4 reasons to enjoy wholegrains every day

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By The Gut Health Doctor Team

Dr Megan Rossi in a lab looking through a microscope

Hands up if you enjoy wholegrains every day?

I generally recommend getting 3 servings of wholegrains daily to fill your all-important fibre needs (alongside your veggies, fruit, legumes, nuts and seeds)… here’s why!
1. Variety
Wholegrains aren’t just plain old oats or bland brown bread – there’s a whole world of wholegrain wonders out there!  Think quinoa, rye, freekeh, buckwheat, barley, spelt, teff, wheatberries…and more. Full of amazing flavours and textures
2. Fibre
Packed with fibre, they’re not only good for feeding your gut microbes – but studies show they’re linked to reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and colon cancer.
3. Poop habits
Wholegrains are great for bulking out your poop and allowing for a smooth departure! 
4. Protein
Pair your wholegrains with legumes and you can get your complete set of protein building blocks (aka amino acids) from these plant foods alone.
One to save for a (g)rainy day.

Pictured: Bio&Me apple & cinnamon gut-loving porridge with wholegrains and legumes in one (as well as 12 other plant points) topped with apple & raspberries


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